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20 Okt 2011

Gunung Api Super di Toba Bisa Sebabkan Zaman Es

London – ‘Letusan vulkanik’ gunung api yang menjadi salah satu bencana paling menghancurkan di Bumi bisa menyebabkan Zaman Es. Salah satu gunung api ini ada di Indonesia.
Letusan ganas yang terjadi tiap 100.000 tahun ini diduga kuat akibat perpaduan suhu dan bentuk ruang magma dalam gunung api tertentu.
Saat di pertemuan tahunan Geological Society of America di Minneapolis, kepala studi Patricia Gregg dari Oregon State University mengatakan, kreasi ‘halo’ batu di ruang magma membuat tekanan tersimpan.

The central Andes Mountains: It takes a 'perfect storm' of 
conditions to grow an eruptible magma chamber of big enough for a 
The central Andes Mountains: It takes a 'perfect storm' of conditions to grow an eruptible magma chamber of big enough for a super-volcano
Tekanan yang ada tersimpan selama puluhan ribu tahun dan menghasilkan peninggian atap di atas ruang magma. Pada akhirnya, patahan dari atas akan memicu sebuah runtuhan yang kemudian letusan.
“Pada kasus gunung api besar, saat patahan cukup dalam dan merobek tembok ruang magma dan atap runtuh, letusan pun terjadi,” katanya.
 Lake Toba in Sumatra: The eruption of super-volcanoes dwarfs the 
eruptions of recent volcanoes and can trigger planetary climate change 
by inducing Ice Ages and other impact
Lake Toba in Sumatra: The eruption of super-volcanoes dwarfs the eruptions of recent volcanoes and can trigger planetary climate change by inducing Ice Ages and other impact
Letusan gunung api semacam ini mampu memicu perubahan iklim planet yang menyebabkan Zaman Es dan dampak lainnya. Gunung api super seperti di Danau Toba di Sumatera memiliki potensi ini, ujarnya seperti dikutip DM. [mor]
Catastrophic: The Huckleberry Ridge eruption of present-day 
Yellowstone Park about two million years ago was more than 2,000 times 
larger than the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington
Catastrophic: The Huckleberry Ridge eruption of present-day Yellowstone Park about two million years ago was more than 2,000 times larger than the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington

The Yellowstone eruption is one of the largest super-volcano 
events in history and it has happened several times.
Super eruption: The Yellowstone eruption is one of the largest super-volcano events in history and it has happened several times

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